Robore Cuts Quality And Environmental Policy Statement

It is the policy of Robore Cuts Ltd to provide customers with a high quality service and to meet agreed Customer requirements. As applicable, these services will conform to relevant national and international standards and legislation, including:

  • ISO 9001:2015

  • ISO 14001:2015

  • Controls relating to particulate emission levels

  • EH44 – Health & Safety Guidance Document

  • Controls relating to production of slurry

  • Water Resources Act 1991 (England & Wales)

  • Control of Pollution Act 1974 (Scotland)

  • Controls relating to noise emission levels

  • Noise at Work Regulations 2005

  • Controls relating to asbestos

  • COSHH Regulations 2002

  • Controls relating to disposal of waste materials (where we are responsible for such disposals)

  • Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1999, The Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1999

  • Waste Regulations (England & Wales) 2011

Environmental Risk & Have Implemented

We have identified the following activities where there is significant potential for environmental risk and have implemented actions to control the risks. In particular:

Production of Slurry

We ensure that slurry is properly controlled and that it does not escape into the surrounding environment. We ensure that it is disposed of correctly.

Concrete Products

We ensure that rubble and hardcore etc are consolidated and disposed of so that as little as possible is left in the area. We ensure that it is disposed of correctly. Although we are not responsible for producing this material (we merely remove it), we treat it as a waste product.

Electrical Products

These are disposed of via registered agents. Where possible, we re-use electrical products in order to repair other items, thus minimising waste.


We consolidate waste oils and ensure that they do not leak. We ensure that they are disposed of correctly. We ensure that any spillages are properly contained and cleared up.

Used Tyres

We consolidate old tyres and ensure that they are disposed of correctly.

We seek to continually improve our quality & environmental management systems, so as to enhance the service provided to our customers and to prevent pollution. We review our quality & environmental objectives and targets during our Management Reviews and amend & improve them where applicable so as to ensure that they continue to remain appropriate to our operations, our customer’s expectations and relevant legislation and codes of practice.

We continually improve our services and the processes by which we deliver them, through a series of reviews and analysis, described in our quality & environmental management procedures. It is mandatory that every member of staff must be familiar with, and competent to, carry out the procedures and practices which are applicable to their area of work. All members of staff are trained in the meaning and implications of this policy during the induction process and retrained whenever this policy is amended.

The Robore Promise

Over 150 + years of combined managerial experience

We use the Latest & Most Advanced Equipment

Accredited to the Highest Industry Standards

London’s Leading Service Supplier to the Construction Industry

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